【学术讲座】Multiscale simulations of multiphase flow


讲座题目:Multiscale Simulations of Multiphase Flow

主讲人:Jos Derksen

主讲人简介:Jos Derksen教授19618月出生于荷兰,1991年获得荷兰埃因霍芬理工大学的应用物理博士学位,现担任英国阿伯丁大学讲席教授。Derksen教授主要从事的研究包括:固液悬浮的中尺度模拟、过程设备中的湍流和过渡流以及液-液系统的多相格子玻尔兹曼模拟。Derksen教授是化工领域数值模拟方面的专家,他先后在重要期刊上发表了100多篇论文。Derksen教授曾在荷兰、加拿大和英国担任学术职务,目前担任化学工程领域的两个期刊的副编辑:化学工程研究与设计以及加拿大化学工程学报。


Multiphase flow is when two or more phases are mixed and flow together. Examples are bubbly flows (gas bubbles in liquid), suspensions (solid particles in liquid or gas), and sprays (liquid droplets in gas). In this presentation I will be mainly talking about solid-liquid suspensions. We want to predict the flow dynamics of suspensions by means of computer simulations.  I will show how such simulations can be done and then show a number of applications, mostly about solid-liquid suspensions in mixing tanks. We will be looking at how the shape of the particles influences the way they are mixed with the liquid and at mass transfer between the solid particles and the liquid phase. I also will be briefly discussing emulsions, which are systems of immiscible liquids where one liquid is dispersed in the form of droplets in another liquid.

讲座时间:201911月11日 1400-1500


