Good news! The discipline of Chemistry at SUES rises to Top 1% of ESI global rankings


According  to Clarivate Analytics' latest ESI data released on March 10, 2022  (covering January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2021), the Chemistry discipline  at SUES is ranked among the top 1% of the world. Therefore, SUES has  ranked among the top 1% of the world's 3 ESI disciplines (Engineering,  Materials Science, Chemistry) and reached the international level.

In  the past ten years, SUES has published a total of 4351 ESI papers, with  a total of 34814 citations, all of which have been averagely cited 8  times, and 30 highly cited papers (2 hot papers). A total of 7884  institutions in the world entered the top 1% of ESI, and SUES ranked  3520, ranking 44.65% (ranked 255th among the 371 listed universities in  the mainland China). Compared with 3910/7261 (53.85%) in the same period  last year, an increase of 9.2% is very obvious and it is great  improvement.


It  is reported that there are 1577 global research institutes in the  Chemistry discipline and SUES ranks 1531 (the 218th among the 223  universities in the mainland China). In the field of Chemistry, SUES has  published 950 ESI papers, with a total of 9248 citations, all of which  have been cited 9.73 times, and 2 highly cited papers. The School of  Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and the School of Materials  Engineering have made important contributions to the top 1% of the  University's chemistry into the ESI.


There  are also significant advances in Engineering and Materials Science,  which have already entered the top 1% of ESI. Engineering ranked 1024th  (52.43%) of the world's 1953 ESI top 1% disciplines, an increase of  18.16% compared with 1236/1751 (70.59%) in the same period last year.  And it ranked 143rd among the 261 listed universities in the mainland  China, ranking ahead of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,  Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai University of Science and  Technology, Shanghai University of Technology, and Shanghai Ocean  University, etc. SUES has published 1168 ESI papers in the field of  Engineering, with a total of 8427 citations. All papers were cited 7.21  times, and 18 highly cited papers (1 hot paper). Materials Science ranks  900th (79.51%) among the world's 1132 ESI top 1% disciplines, an  increase of 20.3% compared with 1031/1033 (99.81%) in the same period  last year. Materials Science ranks the 156th among 185 universities in  the mainland China. A total of 1217 ESI papers have been published in  the field of Materials Science, with a total of 10820 citations, 8.89  citations, and 3 highly cited papers (1 hot paper).

For  three consecutive years, SUES has achieved a major breakthrough in  Engineering, Materials Science and Chemistry to enter the top 1% of the  global ESI rankings, and has made significant progress in the  construction of ESI disciplines, laying a solid foundation for steadily  promoting the construction of the 14th Five-Year Plan disciplines.
