【Academic lecture】The past and present of fiber materials


The lecture topic:The past and present of fiber materials

The presenter: Meifang Zhu

Brief introduction of the presenter

Meifang Zhu, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dean of the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Director of the State Key Laboratory of Fiber Material Modification, Distinguished Professor of Changjiang Scholars of the Ministry of Education, winner of the National Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, Higher Polymer Major of the Ministry of Education. She is the vice-chairman of the Teaching Guidance Sub-Committee, a member of the Polymer Committee of the Chinese Chemical Society, and an executive director of the Chinese Materials Research Society. She has long been engaged in the research on the physicochemical properties and properties of fiber materials, organic/inorganic nano-hybrid materials, hydrogels, and biomaterials, and their applications in green energy, environment, and medical care; proposed organic-inorganic hybrids to prepare fibers The new concept of hybrid fibers established the functional coupling and transfer mechanism of hybrid fibers and developed a new technology for the continuous preparation of hybrid fibers. She has presided over more than 40 scientific research projects such as the National Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, the National 863 Program, the National Key Research and Development Program, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. She has published more than 450 papers included in SCI, edited 10 papers including Nanocomposite Fiber Materials, High-Performance Fibers and Fiber Composite Materials, authorized more than 300 national invention patents, won the second prize of National Technology Invention Award, and National Science and Technology Progress More than 10 scientific and technological/educational awards, such as the second prize, the first prize of Shanghai Natural Science Award, and the first prize of Shanghai Technological Invention Award. She has won the China Youth Science and Technology Award, the National Young and Middle-aged Expert with Outstanding Contributions, the Ho Leung Ho Lee Science and Technology Youth Innovation Award, and the China Young Female Scientist Award.

Content of the lecture:

Development history of fiber materials, nanocomposite hybrid materials, summary, and future prospects

The time: On April 30th 19:30

The place: Tencent Conference (338-658-290)

The organizer: School of Materials Engineering